This is my version of "Take a Penny, Leave a Penny". Only with music. Soundcloud did a really interesting thing with there widgets, allowing people to make pools of tracks that are community funded. I put these groups together hopeful to find new music that could be categorized as multi Genre Bass Music. So far it has worked pretty well. Hopefully this will be a good resource/starting point for both DJ and Producer. Since they can both share and find tracks very easily. These are ever growing sources of tracks, most of them free! I would recommend checking on it frequently. Soundcloud has made some new rules in regards to downloads. Some tracks have limits to the amount of times they are downloaded. But I believe that they reset every month. If you have a track you would like to share please drop it in the appropriate drop box located above each player. If you are looking for new track check them out there are some good ones!
Multi Genre Bass Music

Every thing Bass!

Relentless bass! When proper sound is required...
Dirty Bass

Dark, Dirty, Grime y, or Aggressive bass music. That is what we are after. :)

Bass strait from the streets!

When it is just a little more than a beat.
Glitch Hop

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